Austin Sushi News #24 January, 2003 CONTENTS: (No, you didn't miss anything - there was no December issue of Austin Sushi News) 1. Kikkoman Soy Sauce Fights For You! 2. Check Out The ASS 3. More About More About: More South Austin Sushi 4. Another New Sushi Bar...zzzzzzzz 5. Teppanyaki Funnies Need to stare at sushi all the time? Download Elizabeth Nephews' cool sushi screensaver for Windows: ========================================================== 1. Kikkoman Soy Sauce Fights For You! No need to worry about soy sauce terrorism any more. Your favorite jar of soy sauce has been reincarnated as a crime-fighter of epic proportions. Rest assured that Kikko Man fights for *YOU* ! No more foreign soy sauces. No way...... It's got a beat and you can dance to it too! (requires Flash to view) ========================================================== 2. Check Out The ASS That's the Austin Sushi Society, dude. The Austin Sushi Society's sushi social event occurs on roughly the first Wednesday of each month (except this month when it happens on January 8th -- that's just two days from now!). Each month they feast at a different sushi bar. The Austin Sushi Society was formed by Holly Jackson in February, 2002, and has grown to become a large, and somewhat wild, event. According to their invite for the event: "Come chow down with our friendly, upscale ASS which is more about mingling with fun folks than just eating together!" To get on their invite list and be notified of Austin Sushi Society meetings, send email to Holly at: January 8th's ASS meeting is in Umi's private dining room starting at 7:15pm. RSVP to Holly if you're going to attend. NOTE: the Austin Sushi Society is not affiliated with mega-corp or its subsidiaries. ========================================================== 3. More About More About: More South Austin Sushi The excitement mounts as the pressure builds. As reported in the last two editions of Austin Sushi News, a sushi bar will open in the location of the former Si Bon restaurant at 801 S. Lamar. The demo teams have hollowed out the old house interior and are busy remodeling and expanding the structure which will retain its homey feel when finished. Expect a mid to late Spring 2003 opening. We have high expectations for this new sushi bar which will be named Uchi ("house" in Japanese). Professional sushi chef Tyson, formerly of Musashino, will be handling the main sushi duties. ========================================================== 4. Another New Sushi Bar...zzzzzzzz According to one of our loyal undercover operatives, a new sushi bar is going to open across from Dell's main campus in Round Rock, Texas. He writes: "There's a sign up on a developing large strip mall corner unit that says 'Tonashi Sushi, coming soon'. This is on FM 1325 (Louis Henna Boulevard) directly across the road from Dell's main campus -- a prime location that will be a big hit with all the Dell folks. It's in a small strip that appears to be food-only and is anchored at the other end by Atlanta Bread Company" ========================================================== 5. Teppanyaki Funnies We dig Scott Brannock's Atown comic strip, especially the Teppanyaki-related ones. Scott tells Austin Sushi News: "The 'Endo Teppanyaki' character is based on a friend of mine who is a Teppanyaki chef.... Mostly the Atown comic strip is about other Austin related things, but I'll probably have a few more Teppanyaki related ones soon." ==========================================================