Austin Sushi News  October, 2001

Welcome to Austin Sushi News, a friendly by-product of
the sushi website for Austin, Texas,

Once every month or so, we bring you the latest scoop on sushi bars and
matters in Austin, Texas.  


1. Ch-ch-ch-ch-changes....................
2. Pango: high class tea and sushi
3. What does Citysearch know?
4. Health Inspections Department


1. Ch-ch-ch-ch-changes....................

Changes are afoot for  We're moving to a new
hosting service and a new mailing list provider.  For this mailing
list, we're leaning towards Yahoo Groups, who actually can provide
secure mailing lists if you set it up properly.
But if anyone has other suggestions for mailing list providers,
we're still open to suggestions. Email them to:

2. Pango: high class tea and sushi

"We strive to be tea artists," says the
menu at Pango Tea Bar, which opened on
October 9th.   They feature traditional Chinese
and Japanese tea ceremony,  and thus claim to be
the only real tea bar in the state of Texas.
They also serve designer coffee brewed using
the elegant "Syphon" method (
which is very popular in Japan. It's fun to watch the coffee
brew this way -- sort of like watching an episode of Mister Science.

Though they are not a sushi bar, their kitchen does serve a
variety of sushi as well as other interesting appetizers.

We like this place.

Pango Tea Bar
718 Congress Avenue
Austin, Texas
phone: (512) 478-8899

3. What does Citysearch know?

Not much.  Their "Best of Austin 2001" editorial
pick for best sushi in Austin was Korea House.
While we might give Korea House a nod for their
low sushi prices, they aren't even in our top five
for overall quality.

The "audience" winner, however, was Musashino. Once
again, the people get it right.

4. Health Inspections Department

Our heartiest congratulations to sushi establishments
that did well in recent City of Austin health
inspections.  A score of 100  is perfect. A
score below 70 fails and requires a re-inspection
after problems are corrected.

September 27th
Ichiban -- score 87

October 4th
Kyoto II -- score 91
Banzai -- score 90

October 11th
Kenichi -- score 83